Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sub Base Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Mw2 Sub Base Map

Sub Base is a medium size multiplayer map and is based on the Single Player level "Contingency" featured in Call of Duty: MW 2.

The mission is based 14 miles SSE of Petropavlovsk, Russia.

The sub base is a snowy, multiple level map with 
large open spaces as well as enclosed buildings and numerous exposed rooftops.

Between the buildings is a large court yard area in the center of the map.  A lot of the routes on the map go into this area making it a sure fire area for massive gunfights. The players up on the catwalks fight against foes approaching through a tunnel as well as a rooftop nearby.

A large warehouse at one end of the map is used for long range battles and at the other end, the electrical power station is sure to offer a lot of close-quarter battles.

One suggested loadout would be: Primary: Riot Shield or Barrett .50 Cal (Heartbeat Sensor)
Secondary: Striker (Red Dot Sight)
Equipment: C4 or Claymore
Special Grenades: Stun Grenade
Perk 1: Scavenger Pro
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Commando Pro or Steady Aim Pro
Deathstreak: Martyrdom

Heartbeat Sensor provides real time information on people that are within a close proximity and will beep whenever hostile targets are close and will increase pitch the closer they get.

Thanks To Ons1augh7 for this fine tutorial on sub base demolition.

See all modern warfare games available on ebay!

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