Invasion Map
Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Maps Invasion
Name: Invasion
Location: Somewhere in Afganistan
Setting: War- torn city in a desert region
Size: Medium
Invasion start screen |
The Invasion Map is set in an Afghan town, it contains many buildings in a multi-level map, it's the scene of a lot of up close battles due to it having many buildings that your enemies can pop out of buildings at a moments notice.
Some people weren't aware that Invasion a remake of the campaign mission "Shock and Awe" it's the part of the single player ops mission where you're asked to rescue the downed cobra pilot.
This map has a lot of vehicles and exploding barrels that are particularly helpful when on Search and Destroy. When you spawn as playing as the Opfor you can shoot your grenades into the American spawn getting easy quad and triple kills.
To the northeast of the map are several military Humvee's. These vehicles are perfect to climb onto the top of and snipe down the alleyway and being able to watch the domination flag "C". To the southwest is building with a second level which watches down the whole of this street you can easily hold this position down with 2 snipers and a few claymores making it perfect when protecting flag "A" on domination.
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There is a main building complex in the middle of the map with a couple of surrounding buildings that will all lead into each other, these are home to intense shotgun and sub-machine gun battles.
This battle scarred part of the city features a large, two-story base at the north-west corner. One team starts
on the convoy road near the base, but the map is covered with multiple buildings, offering several upper levels from which to gain decent vantage points. Watch for snipers camped in the eastern part of the map, in the sniper apartment and the loft.
Suggested Class of Weapons for Loadout
I'll start of by showing you my favorite opening routes in domination mode and some spots I like a lot. Just keep in mind that ninty percent of my out of party play is in the Ground War mode.
Payers usually visit these two areas. Most of the gun battles occurs near the middle of the map, in and around the little cafe, but the battle seems to move around the map, so load out with a good all-purpose class.
At first it might seem that the U.S. base would be a good place to camp and pick off your foes it really may not be the best choice after all. Here's why: There are three stairways that lead up to the second floor along with a ladder that is accessible from the base’s south end. You can probably hold this second floor with a minimum of three players if one takes the window opening facing south to watch the south stairs and ladder, one player covers the northwest
stairs and another covers the northeast stairs.
Be careful traveling through upper middle section, near the alcove and courtyard. There are so many places to hide there, (like the trees) so you are quite exposed when you move through this section. Consider taking the long way around to approach the enemy if this is your destination. Head southward towards what I call the bathrooms, then turn around and back up through the middle between the coffee shop and boutique. This map is very good for a
rushing gunner.
Spawning Route 1: The blue route is the route that I call my marathon/suppressed UMP rush route. Don't
camp A, just run and often times you can make it out of the cafe before you see any enemies, who will be
generally be gravitating towards either B, or down the riverside road. Easy flank kills here.
Spawning Route 2: The red route is the not any good so I don't even use it.
Spawning Route 3. The purple route is nearly a mirror of the A spawn of route green and is ideal for people who hope to win a lot of long range firefights. Run as quick a you can to the second purple dot (the first dot on this map was a mistake, so ther is really no reason to stop there). Crouch down behind the
barbed wire and concrete and take out anyone coming from the field and general/grocery store area. You'll have plenty of cover and they have none. It's quite hard to see you with the barbed wire. If your team captures B, hold this to prevent flanks, if they don't capture B, you can help B or try to flank C, though again, physical cover is very limited after the concrete barriers. If you want cheap and quick kills, you can move up 5 feet, turn left and then go prone
moving north. It's pretty dark and you're hard to see and you can take out opposition coming from the B
Both the loft and the sniper apartment are great to lay clays. In the loft, be sure to place your claymore on the ladder from the outside on the second floor.
You may like to run with a smoke grenade for this map, but I think stun grenades would be better due to the decent amount of buildings for campers. I like the smoke because i can move it up the road (the green route) and rush to flank without having to worry about getting picked off by a sniper.
I find myself advancing to the first layer of buildings and camping out a bit to see if any goobers are going to just run out into the open. Especially if I don't use marathon and lightweight perks.
Do you like carrying C4? This is one of the best maps for car bombing your opponents because C4 can be placed under any of the nine Humvees. Only seven of these Humvees can be blown up as the two near the west side of the base are bomb proof.
Game Trivia: Did you know that It is impossible to
destroy the white van, even with C4? :(
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