Favela, a map that is set in the slums of Rio de Janeiro and is based on the same elements of the campaign missions "The Hornet's Nest " and "Takedown". This map features very fast paced and close quarters battles. It has some tall buildings for snipers and narrow alleys for close quarter battles. A lot of the map is built vertically (up and down) with plenty of real estate around the rooftops and two-story structures. This map accomodates many different styles of play and gametypes.

This town is full of little shanty type structures and has many corridors and blind corners. This can be a frustrating map at first. But it really isn't all that hard. The trick is to know when to stick to the streets or when to take a position on the rooftops in matches. It’s a lot simpler to lose your pursuers on the streets; because every time they empty a clip, you are already around the next corner ready to pwn them. Obviously, there is less cover on the rooftop, but your speed in travel is faster and you can cover more ground. Usually. So basically, use the low ground for offense like carrying a flag and use the high ground for your defensive positions, but don't hold fast to that rule if your opponents seem to be negligent in either area. In Team Deathmatch and Free-for-all, your vertical positioning will depend on how you like to play your type of game.
- The Large Street; This large street is the largest open area in the map, and darting around carelessly through it can be very dangerous, because it’s easily covered by your opponents on the nearby rooftops. Use the vehicles as cover and avoid staying around for too long.
- The Shortcut; You can jump between these buildings – Going unseen is a key to succeeding in this map. Consider Ninja and Marathon perks.
- The High-point; This structure is the highest elevation on the map and can be used to move around undetected. Just look out for any snipers or gunners on surrounding buildings.
- The Street Maze; Rooftop snipers will have a harder time picking you off if you stick to this street maze. you can spend the whole match in the central section and still see a lot of action.
Tips: Careful selection of perks will help greatly in this mission. Practice hip firing because of quick close encounters that won't always allow for aiming.
Controlling the high ground will help players win a match, although every building or structure has more than one way of reaching the roof. Players can usually jump across most roofs, to help them gain an advantage with the battle.
Trivia: If the player goes into spectator mode he can go up to the statue of Jesus called the Corcovado statue on top of the hill which appears to be made out of blocks. This can also be seen if the player looks at it through a sniper scope. If you get close enough to the statue, it seems to be floating.
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