Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Derail Map Modern Warfare 2

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This is a map of a snow covered small shipping town in the country. There is a  derailed train that divides the map into two sections, west to east. An area with a gas station and a garage covers the east side and  warehouses, offices, power stations and other industrial buildings seem to  dominate the west side. There is a frozen stream that can be used for additional cover.  It cuts it's way through the center of the map North to South. Find a way to take advantage of  this maps wooded areas much as you can. This is a sniper-heavy map. Use caution.
Watch for several derailed train cars that you can go through in the middle of this map. Beware of  enemies hiding inside, and take advantage of  them whenever you wish, like if you want to snipe pr watch a particular objective.  This map contains many sniping areas, especially down the middle of the map near the trains, so you may have to go prone or work around the train cars here and there. The woods to the north and the wooded area just north of the tower of water are nice for sniping and you can use the  warehouse’s third floor balcony too!  Some of the high vantage points are the roofs of the garage and gas station. Use caution getting a position there, because the snipers watch them carefully.
Here's the map layout:

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