Modern warfare 2 HighRise
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The Highrise map is set on the roof of an unfinished skyscraper and some of its interior office space and stairwells and utility tunnels – makes Highrise a great map. It’s also full of strategic subterfuge, sniping spots and choke points, if you know where to find them. You can expect that the average players will hover around the interior rooms at opposite sides of the map, and run through the central hallways.
The Steel Beams: You can access the beams from the roof of the elevators. These beams can (and should) be used, but don’t run around on them for too long because they don't offer any cover. What they do provide though is a path to the second floor of the northern interior, which is a great place to just hunker down and practice your marksmanship. You can jump onto one of these beams from the helicopter pad on the right side of the map.
The Building's Interior: Both opposing interiors offer some extra personal combat situations. Stay in a crouched position and snake your way through the office cubicles. Anyone who accidentally pops their head out above one of the half-wall can easily be blown to pieces through these thin dividers (It's kinda cool to watch the papers go all over the place).
Secondary shotguns are particularly effective and remember to use the environment around you when the opportunity arises. The large copy machine will explode after being pounded or fired on, just like cars.
The scaffolding: There is a little bit of scaffolding at the southeast side of the exterior that gives you access to a ledge that runs along the outside of the building. This is an excellent "secret route" for carrying bombs or flags in objective mode. Even if you're killed while you’re carrying the objective, the enemy will have a really tough time getting it from its perch thus giving you and your team the chance to catch them while they’re distracted.
The Red Pit: There’s a passageway that's not visable that runs across the lower level of the entire map, running from the northern interior to the southern.
Right in the middle of the passageway there is an opening that exposes a passage to the air, making lower level soldiers vulnerable for just a moment.
This isn’t any kind of secret route; everyone knows its there but with a little luck, you’ll make it to the other side and then pop up behind the other team without giving away your position. BOOM!
The Parkour Opp: Wikipedia defines Parkour as: Parkour (abbreviated PK) is a training method which focuses on rational movement in both the natural and urban environments. The focus is to move around obstacles with speed and efficiency.
Developed in France by David Belle, the main purpose of the discipline is to teach participants how to move through their environment by vaulting, rolling, running, climbing and jumping.
Parkour practitioners are known as traceurs. They train to be able to identify and utilize alternate, more efficient paths. Parkour can be practiced anywhere, but areas dense with obstacles offer many training opportunities.
Okay now that you know that, there is a piece of scaffolding hanging out probably 10 feet from the edge of the building at it's southeast corner.
If you enjoy a little parkour, and don’t mind dying a few times, you can jump from the building , grab on to the scaffolding by pressing your Jump/Action button and climb it like a ladder.
Then you shimmy across a sliver of the ledge and walk up another piece of ironwork and reach the rooftop of the southern interior which is the highest point of the map.
You may find a little surprise up there!
Other comments: In the highrise map there are several spots for those who love to camp. When you start out there is a building with a large tank on top.
When you go up on top of the building there is a yellow board. Jump on it and then leap onto the next one that is in front of you.
There's a military helicopter on highrise helipad. It has a lot if visibility but a lot of times, you can manage to get some decent kills.
The final spot is the most difficult. When you get off the top of the helicopter pad, go towards the pile of bricks and you'll see a ladder that is hanging there.
Run and jump on it then scale the side of the building until you get to another ladder. Climb that ladder and go on the roof.
Throw some tactical insertions and you'll be set up to get more kills.
High Quality MW2 Posters For Your Game Room
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