Friday, February 3, 2012

Wasteland Map Modern Warfare Map

The map Wasteland is set in the countryside near the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant. It contains some things from theCall of Duty 4: 

Modern Warfare campaign level  called"All Ghillied Up", and has radioactive zones around the outside edges.  

There is a triple-entrance bunker that is positioned in the middle. A large hedgerow provides cover in the center of the map. 

There are many trenches that cross the layout of the map that also has a couple of mini-guns permantly positioned there for your use. A few empty buildings, low concrete walls and an occupied helipad are scattered around the edges but rarely see any combat. 

One defensive position known to kill bunker camps
This is a shot taken from a Wasteland map in Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Multi-player.  A bunker is trying to be captured.

The enemies are approaching from the left and straight ahead.  Use the angles of the bunker entrance to shield your approach.  I am okay being on the left, but a teammate was on the right side of the trench and in the line of fire and got killed.

You might have noticed that often times, there are gaps in the map where you can shoot or be shot.  In this example, the rectangle highlights a gap in the wooden timbers where bullets can go through.

The bunker in Wasteland is almost impenetrable if its held by a team of three to four players, with at least one covering each door. The wooden crates behind the fence provide plenty of stealth cover if you crouch. Enemies may try and rush you in groups, so an LMG or Assault rifle with a large clip is an ideal weapon. Tucked into the corner, you're vulnerable only when reloading.

Sniping in "Modern Warfare 2" is a different type of discipline from the bull rush "run and gun" tactics used on the ground. The location of a sniper nest is critical and usually located at the edges of the map, it has to offer a view of as wide an area possible to maximize the number of opportunities for a sniper shot. The main elements of a good sniper spot would be hard cover, concealment and elevation. Ideally, it should have only a single entrance, which can be covered with a claymore to keep other players from attacking the rear.

Non-populated map of Wasteland

The Wasteland is a rich sniping map watch the video below for more a walk through.

When attacking use positions that keep you protected

The picture above shows how this soldier use angles to stay protected and still attack.  He is on the upper right corner of this bunker entrance.  The enemies are down below in the tunnel coming from the left.  It would be nearly impossible for them to see and shoot him before he can shoot them.  This is also a great spot to attack or thrown in a flash or stun grenade.

If you know the enemy is coming from a certain direction, one place where you could sit is right on top of the bunker entrance.  They will be coming out below you and they often forget to look up.  Another point is, even if they knew you were there, it still takes time to turn, look up and shoot.  So, you still have the advantage there.

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Many opponents have been killed up here before they figured it out.  You can also change your position a little bit so even if they know where you are, they still have to lock on to you and you will have the upper hand. Some might say "Well they could just go around the hedgerow.

Sure, your enemies could always go around the hedgerow and try to get to you but up on top of the bunker, you'll have your back to the hedge and the whole map in front of you.  No one is going to get you from behind! One caveat, the heartbeat sensors do detect through the hedges.

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